RabbitMQ Cheat Sheet
- Queue: what you receive messages from
- Exchange: what you send messages to
- Binding: binds queues to exchanges
- Routing Key:
- binding routing key: routing key is associated with a Binding
- message routing key: routing key is specified when publishing a message
Exchange Types
- direct: sends messages to all bindings that the binding routing key matches the message routing key exactly
- fanout: sends messages to all bindings it knows about regardless of the routing key
- topic: is a more complex direct exchange where
binding routing key can contain- *(star) which matches exactly one word
- #(hash) which matchs zero or more word
- example binding key: .orange., lazy.# message routing key: doted words for example lazy.orange.dog message are routed from exchange to bindings that matches the routing key according to the * and # rule
The default exchange:
An direct exchange with an empty string name which binds to all queues and a binding routing key set to the name of the queue.
#Message patterns:
Producer Consumer:
- message is only delivered to one consumer
- producer publish to a direct exchange(can also be the default exchange)
- consumer attached its queue to the exchange that producer is publishing
- can also use topic exchange
- message delivered to multiple subscribers
- publisher publishes message to a fanout exchange
- subscriber creates a queue and bind it to the exchange
- subscriber listens to the queue
In case of fanout exchange. the name of the exchange is the topic. Any listener interested in the topic connects its own queue to the exchange.
can be done with any exchange as long as the message can arrive at the server’s listening queue
client sends a request with a replyQueue and a correlationId
- PRC hides remote call cost. solution is to make it clear what call is RPC and what call is Local
- how should client react if client is not running
- request time out
- error feed back
- how should client react to a response with a not recognized correlationId( should be ignored because of duplicated response from server is a valid case)
Written on August 9, 2017